Are you angry?
Anybody can become angry-that is easy but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree at the right time for the right purpose, and in the right way-that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. {Aristotle} There seems to be so much anger in the world right now. Driving to work and people are angry. Take too long to order your coffee and the person behind you is angry. New laws go into effect and people are angry. Dangle a flag and people are angry. Anger, anger, anger...... We all get angry. No one is above that. But why are we so angry these days and why are we taking to the computer to vent our frustrations? Do we realize that we can actually insult or turn people away with a current state of emotion which may not even reflect who we fundamentally are? There are few wastes of time greater than arguing on social media with a complete stranger. You aren't going to type anything that immediately changes their views and why are you investing time a...