Self Love Reflects Everything You Do

It's Valentine's Day. The day you either love or loathe often determined by your current relationship status. Listen, being in a relationship or marriage does NOT determine your self worth. It does NOT make you happier or better than anyone else. In fact, how you demonstrate those relationships actually speaks volumes about your own security and confidence. You were an individual before you were a coupling. You were loved, beautiful, charismatic, fun, successful, etc. on your own and if you happen to meet someone along the way who appreciates and even brings out your better attributes then consider yourself fortunate. But don't consider yourself better. Relationships are complicated. Many couples are putting in work behind closed doors that you will never be privy too. Don't get caught up in the social media fantasies that many try to project. What you and your mate are building or repairing doesn't require an audience or applause. You are not perfect and yo...