The Gift of You Never Stops Giving

Happy Holidays 2014! This has been one of the most relaxing and stress free holiday seasons that I can recall from recent years. I stopped buying into the pressure of quantity of gifts and excessive shopping and stayed within budget and spent time and money making memories with the people high on my priority list.

This holiday season and moving into the new year, I encourage you to give the gift of YOU! You are a valuable commodity and you are a gift in itself. I used to spend all my time, energy and resources running around like crazy buying gifts for people who never showed appreciation or reciprocated my efforts. While the spirit of giving should not be met with the expectation of return, it is not unreasonable to want to be acknowledged, appreciated or shown gratitude for efforts that you did not have to do. A lack of gratitude results in diminished blessings.

The best thing that you can do for those in your life this holiday season is to be your best self so that you can add value to their lives without minimizing your own. You don’t have to set yourself back financially, emotionally or physically trying to meet the demands and expectations of others when you haven’t given yourself all that love.

At the end of this life, few people will remember the tangible gift that I may have given them for Christmas but they will remember the time spent together; laughing, enjoying a good meal and making cherished memories. A photo from time spent will be treasured longer than a gift that sits on a shelf.

Don’t underestimate the gift of you. No one will ever take care of you better than the care that you can dedicate to yourself. Your presence is the present. Give carefully.


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