I always swam in the deep end

Do you remember what it was like to stand in the shallow end of the swimming pool as a child? You probably got real comfortable quickly because you knew you weren't going anywhere. Did you ever want to swim across the pool and venture into deep waters?

The shallow end allows you to see eye to eye with people on a superficial level. The deep end challenges you and sets you apart from just standing.....stagnant.

Life is like a swimming pool. You can't expect a deep relationship with a shallow person.

People will come into your life; many asking for a raft or a swimming lesson but always standing in the shallow end.

I learned to swim at an early age. In fact, an in-ground swimming pool was a childhood birthday present. With each stroke, I grew stronger and more confident until the shallow end was no longer fun for me.

Seek relationships that are meaningful and deep. Relationships built on lies, insecurities and falsehoods won't help you grow. People will reveal things and behaviors that weigh you down.

Throw yourself a life jacket and navigate on. I always preferred the deep end of the pool. Gene pool included.


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