2017 is a milestone year!
10. It's always been a good number. God willing, in just a few months, I will not only celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary but my 10 year cancerversary from stage IIIA triple negative breast cancer. I will never forget the doctor giving me a few years "at best" to survive.
2016 seemed to be an aggressive death year for many celebrities and well known people and many of my social media connections deemed it as awful. Despite what obstacles and hurdles we faced in 2016, we should hold our heads up high that we survived it.
Every year will present tragedies, heartache, setbacks and misses but we can't let those define how the whole year went. Between the tears, there were lots of smiles and successes; we just tend to focus on what hurt us over what helped us.
I find myself saying this every year but I am always thankful for the bad things that happened because they reveal things to me such as what I need to improve, eliminate or focus on. The people that exited in 2016 didn't need to be present in your life because they were never tied to your destiny anyway. The opportunities you didn't get were not in line with what you truly needed to be doing anyway. Change your mindset about the things that seem like disappointment on the surface and dive deeper to reveal what the lesson in all of it was.
I'm already looking forward to great things this year and am beyond grateful that I will reach 10 years in remission and in my marriage. 2016 wasn't perfect but it was perfectly suited to help me grow and learn.
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