Strong Women Empower Themselves and Others

This morning, I attended a public fitness class for the 4th time ever. I've always been reluctant to attend these classes out of fear or feeling embarrassed at my endurance or fitness level. After all, I was the kid with asthma sitting against the wall at recess.

A local MMA facility hosted a Muscles and Mimosa free event that I saw on facebook and they had me at mimosas. (I know-my tank says you had me at pumpkin spice. I can't turn down delicious things!) I've been taking a mental beating at work; being overlooked, minimized and undervalued as a woman on my team. Working out is the only time I truly feel strong and in control these days.

From the moment I hit the door, I was met with inviting, physically fit and strong women who greeted me with friendly smiles and warm greetings. There was a healthy sense of competition and camaraderie in the room. It was positively contagious! I'd be remiss if I didn't add how beautiful everyone was without makeup.

The boot camp circuit was TOUGH! Next to the Ballet Burn class, this was the hardest workout of my life! I finally got to flip a tire though and kick boxed. It will be my secret whose face I pictured as I fiercely kicked away.

As I looked around the room, I was so inspired by these women( many who were mothers) and their levels of strength and fitness. They made this grueling workout look easy! I wasn't quite ready to hop on a large tire yet and I had to modify several of the activities due to torn ACL and post-radiation underarm cording and scar tissue but I began to feel more comfortable. I am striving for my personal best not to be the best in the room. The reality is no one is watching or worried about you anyway. They are there exercising themselves.

After we worked up a sweat, we grabbed our mimosas and stretched. (Definitely not advised or a norm at Mansfield MMA) We laughed and shared stories and it truly was refreshing if not remarkable to be in a room full of new women and instantly feel at home.

My morning at Muscles and Mimosas was time well spent. I left with some new friends. I left stronger. I left feeling happy and empowered as a woman and most importantly, I left loving the body I am building.


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