It really is a wonderful life!

I saw the classic movie"It's A Wonderful Life" this past Friday for the first time and wondered how did such a masterpiece manage to escape my viewing eyes all these years! It's a wonderful tale of living a humble and selfless life.

I don't remember which friend it was who suggested I see it around 15 years ago. I was going through a very difficult time and major depression. This friend suggested I see the film because I reminded her of the main character. Having seen the film, I am flattered that someone saw George Bailey in me.

We could all learn a lot from George Bailey; a man that was actually good to a flaw. He selflessly gave of himself to others to a fault. He never sat back and took inventory of his character and life until a little angel forced him to see what the world would be like without his contributions.

It's so easy to take our lives for granted especially in the age of social media. We see other people crafting the narrative they want others to see never fully recognizing at what cost those narratives are shaped from. We get caught up in pseudo lux lives and will never truly know if it's a facade or a truth and actually, it's really not our responsibility to decipher.

I encourage you to take your own inventory of your life and you will pleasantly be surprised at the gifts and talents you bring to the world and to those around you. It's a wonderful life not simply because you have life but because you are a key player on the world's stage.


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