Eat the pancakes Annie Mae!

I recently posted a photo on my social media of pancakes for dinner. Now this may not seem like a big deal to most, but for me, it definitely was a crowning moment. You see.....I am the type of woman that likes to cook big meals for my husband and I which often require 30-60 minutes of time. The thought of eating something quick or fast slightly feels like a failure to me.

I also wanted to remind people that even though I like to share my Hello Fresh or other fancy meals, sometimes we eat what we throw together. Don't get caught up in an unrealistic social media display.

So when I got home late one weekday after attending a lecture, I was just too exhausted to cook but we were hungry. I remember a coworker saying to me that "some days you just gotta open a box of cereal and call it a meal."

So I hope this brief blog and accompanying photo remind you of two things: Don't expect so much from yourself when you don't have it to give and it is okay to go against the grain sometimes. If you are tired or just not feeling something, that is perfectly okay. Sometimes just getting through the day is an accomplishment in itself.

Remember, Superwoman eats pancakes at night too.



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