
Showing posts from 2019

Reserve Your Energy

Energy preservation. It seems to be a topic that I find myself revisiting a lot. I'm talking about the limited energy we have each day that seems to deflate as we get older. As a breast cancer survivor, let me preface this sentiment by saying that I am probably more cautious of my time and energy than someone who hasn't battled cancer. Despite the physical limitations which exist, I consciously choose to preserve my energy for people and situations that truly warrant it. What some may view as a high propensity or personality flaw to create barriers or cut people off, I see as life preserving. You will constantly spin your wheels trying to get attention and agreement from those who demonstrate through their own actions that they aren't willing to invest that same energy back at you. It is not selfish or narcissistic to put your own wants and needs first. It is not cold hearted to eliminate people and things that drain your energy quickly. It should not make you feel gu...

Dignity and Respect Still A Job Requirement

Several years ago, I decided to go back to work and ventured into Human Resources after several run-ins with poor Human Resources professionals or poor candidate/employee experiences. As a person who loves policy, has a strong sense of urgency and follow up and who genuinely cares for people and their best interest, I felt Human Resources was a great fit for me. Re-entering the workforce after successfully running your own business presents its own set of challenges but within the right infrastructure, it is truly a corporate asset. Entrepreneurs tend to think outside the box and present creative solutions to problems or barriers. This is only valued when you join a team that is open to new ideas, talents and resources. If your teammates have been employed for years and are process driven or stagnant in their own career growth, your energy will be met with resistance. This constant battle is mentally exhausting and will eventually take a toll. Entrepreneurs tend to exercise fruga...

I owe myself an apology

12 years in remission     I recently celebrated my 12th anniversary since my breast cancer diagnosis. I am always grateful but each year I take a hard look at the woman in the mirror and reflect on how I am living my life since the fight of my life.   When I was in the throes of cancer treatment, I made a promise to myself and a higher power that when I got through this, I would live a life of purpose and gratitude. I vowed to use my energy, talent and resources wisely since the threat of cancer returning always looms.   Year 12. I owe myself an apology.   It's been several months since I even wrote a blog entry yet I love to write. No more making excuses for not doing something that I love and feel I am good at. What could possibly be more important than doing what you love?   I apologize for all the energy I wasted on people who never had good intentions for me. I foolishly assumed that someone else's networks and friendships coul...