Reserve Your Energy

Energy preservation. It seems to be a topic that I find myself revisiting a lot. I'm talking about the limited energy we have each day that seems to deflate as we get older.

As a breast cancer survivor, let me preface this sentiment by saying that I am probably more cautious of my time and energy than someone who hasn't battled cancer. Despite the physical limitations which exist, I consciously choose to preserve my energy for people and situations that truly warrant it.

What some may view as a high propensity or personality flaw to create barriers or cut people off, I see as life preserving. You will constantly spin your wheels trying to get attention and agreement from those who demonstrate through their own actions that they aren't willing to invest that same energy back at you.

It is not selfish or narcissistic to put your own wants and needs first. It is not cold hearted to eliminate people and things that drain your energy quickly. It should not make you feel guilty to recharge and regroup.

The reality is that only you are responsible for how you will use your 24 hours given each day. You can waste that time arguing, being unhappy, defending your character, putting on airs or simply being miserable because you choose to do so.

It won't be easy but take baby steps if you need to and start walking away from things that aren't elevating you. Your mobile phone probably gets charged more frequently than your soul.

So if people aren't respecting you and you find yourself feeling undervalued or undermined, take a step back and pull the cord. Plug into life activities that will charge your mental health and have you facing each day with zest!


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