Self Care isn't Selfish

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing something beautiful"
                                                    Ralph-Waldo Emerson

I got away to my little hidden gem in East Texas this weekend to refresh, recharge and protect my mental health. The best part of a solo trip is not having to explain to anyone why you don't feel like talking or why you want to sit somewhere and focus on an outlet that you love (reading, drawing, cooking, etc.) without any interruptions or explanations. Just that peaceful moment.

I haven't always loved the outdoors but in my adulthood, I have found that I am at peace with nature. The more I reflect on it, the woods was my childhood safe space as I lived right up the street from a ballpark surrounded by a wooded area.

I literally could escape from heated arguing at home or stressful situations by wandering in the woods. Of course in my adolescence, the woods set the tone for forbidden exploration sparked with puberty hormones!  There is something about the beauty of nature and the off beaten path that sparks joy and peace in my soul. I also like the small hint of uncertainty as you navigate a new path that you don't know. A small dose of curiosity and fear builds strength.

As you can imagine, it isn't the easiest conversation to have with your spouse or partner. How does one proclaim "Hey, it's not you. It's me. I need to get away for some quiet time." Anyone that has your best interest at heart will support whatever you do, within reason and good decision making, to protect your emotional health and well-being. It's okay to let others around you now that you need some time to yourself.

Learn your triggers. Monitor your body's reactions. Listen to the voices in your head telling you that you are overwhelmed. Most importantly, breathe. You must always make yourself a priority. They say you can't pour from an empty cup. Remember to replenish that love and support that you keep dishing out to others.


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