2021: Took a stand


I have always been a fighter. The tendency to challenge things brewed in my belly as a child. Having your favorite brother killed in a hit and run accident as a child does something to you. You constantly seek justice whether intentional or not.

Life circumstances have molded me into an advocate for others. Often when others around me lack the tools or resources to advocate for themselves, I accept the challenge and forge forward. Fighting for something today will always beat falling for anything tomorrow.

Do I ever get tired of fighting? Absolutely but half of the battle is knowing when to join in the ring or throw in the towel. Equip yourself with knowledge so that you can be successful in any battle.

2021 definitely tried my voice, my well-being, my abilities and my patience. It was a year of raising my voice and taking a strong stand for what is right. And luckily, it was a stand worth taking.

Moving into a new year, I would like to encourage anyone reading this to always strive to do the right thing. Having morals and convictions will take you a lot further than sitting quietly during injustices and things which don't quite sit right with you.

Sitting by and not speaking up and advocating for others may appease you in the moment or for a short while but when those tides turn on you, don't expect to survive the flood.


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